Stories of Life and Experiences
All my life or for most part of it I found it hard to define attachment. I confused it with a lot of emotions and things. But you know when clarity dawns its like bright sunshine, everything is crystal clear all at once. Basically if you have any kind of fear, fear of losing something … Read more
To all the girls
If you are seeking a financially independent man for youself. I think its fair to be financially independent youself first! Someone who is just your age is walking the same path, facing the same struggles and growing at a pace similar to you. Grow strong, grow together. Lets remove gender out of the equation. Become, … Read more
Do not get discouraged or disheartened by the dejection or rejection you face along the way of your goal. Just remember every single NO is just taking you one step closer to your goals to the ultimate YES. Direction is more important than speed!
There are no short cuts
Certifications have adopted the framework of life off lately. When I tried to skip just one of the modules which was too much to go through. The entire exam seems to be based on that single module that I skipped. I mean come on, the questions could have come from those 34 other modules that … Read more
We have given a lot of names to privilege. One of it being courage(often misused as a word to confuse with privilege). Courage demands you to have nothing to lose at all or have it all. If you have nothing to lose you don’t have to fear, going back. If you have everything intact after … Read more
Live while Alive
Don’t forget to live while you are alive. Don’t be dead before you die. This is your chance to learn, live and experience life to the fullest, evolve while you are here, grow while you go through life!
Beautifully said
It is okay to make mistakes, just make sure you don’t repeat the same mistakes again. And life is too short to learn all from your own mistakes, sometimes try to learn from others mistakes as well. It is only human to err. Don’t try to undo your mistakes, oftentimes you won’t be able to … Read more
The stories we tell
Sometimes we start reading a book midway. We develop this immense sympathy for a particular character, start justifying their actions and behaviors only to realize that they are just facing the consequences of their own actions in the earlier parts of the story that we missed. Alas! Out of context scenarios can be so misleading … Read more
Often they say truth sets you free. But truth be told its actually and only the acceptance of truth thats sets you free. If you did everything, tried with all your heart, gave you best and still could not get something it just means it DID NOT belong to you! Simple…and often things you don’t … Read more