
The opportunity to choose or make any trivial choice is also privilege, not many have. Be grateful!…Trust in the process everything you are going through is working for you. Trust in the motion of things, all things come together for the good now and always.

Subtle Judgements

We judge people in so many subtle ways we don’t even realize. If you think even a reaction like shock, suprise, amazement or disappointment comes up when you have, in your mind made a judgment of the person and you expect them to think, say or act in a certain way. If that was not … Read more

Fresh Old memories

It is an oxymoron though, yet true that some old memories ring true to your mind as if its is just so fresh. The crazy office gupshups (ofcourse this was long before the new normal of work from home trend), the laughters, the jargons. We were so very convinced that life is supposed to fun … Read more

You have a choice

Life will throw you with a lot of pleasant and maybe some unpleasant suprises sometimes. But, hey, its not a radio button to choose from rather a checklist option (maybe just tech savvy people will get the above statement). In short though you have been bestowed with a lot of things in life. Its totally … Read more

My litle darling

It just took a friend, his story of pursuing his litle musical instrument (ukele🤔…yes, even I heard it for the first time) and some of his logical tips and advice to pull this litle darling out of the cupboard, wipe of some dust off it and get started. May the divine help me to continue … Read more

Heights of Procrastination

You are an avoid procrastinator. You download an app from playstore which claims they can help you get rid of this habit. You don’t believe their claims. You read reviews and see that people have actually overcome their habit using this app. You download the app. They have excercises to help you overcome this habit … Read more

Taxes and Karma

Today I have comed to realize Taxes and Karma are something which always comes back to settle its dues. You can close your eyes, ignore, deny and try every jugaad in the world to avoid the dues or past karmas but eventually you have to pay them…no matter how old or forgotten it is. Hey, … Read more


To all the guys, especially looking for beautiful, slim and trim girls on matrimony. No judgements on your expectations that is totally your choice and taste. But don’t you think if you are looking for a slim, trim and beautiful girl yourself. You need to maintain that standard of beauty and well maintained body yourself … Read more