Taxes and Karma

Today I have comed to realize Taxes and Karma are something which always comes back to settle its dues. You can close your eyes, ignore, deny and try every jugaad in the world to avoid the dues or past karmas but eventually you have to pay them…no matter how old or forgotten it is. Hey, … Read more


To all the guys, especially looking for beautiful, slim and trim girls on matrimony. No judgements on your expectations that is totally your choice and taste. But don’t you think if you are looking for a slim, trim and beautiful girl yourself. You need to maintain that standard of beauty and well maintained body yourself … Read more


I guess girls are always used to being treated like a princess until they have their dad around. And once they are gone people make you feel otherwise and you start doubting if you were ever one. But if you are fortunate enough then you meet the man who makes you feel nothing less than … Read more

Before and After

Often confused with the multiple theories of what is destined or what is free will. Maybe for time being until we are really sure about what is what, we can consider this. Treat whatever happened in the past as destiny. And what will happen or the unknown as a freewill. So whatever happened has happened … Read more


Time always reveals how long the “forevers” lasted😄. Gone are the days when they lasted a lifetime, nowadays netflix series are longer than expiration period of the promises made by humans.

Yet Again

Some people, things, events and circumstances change your life forever….and surprisingly when they visit again they change your life again…often for the good yet again. If that has happened once that will surely happen again.


Until you find something, not finding it is a problem. When you find it instantly, how come we found it so early is a puzzle Excess of anything is a problem and ofcrse lack of something is troublesome Looks like this is some viscious cycle which never ends Hope we find the right balance between … Read more

Silver Lining

No matter how bad or worse the situation gets…Always remember, there is always something you have or own today which you thought was impossible to achieve, prayed for it and got it!…So there is no point circling to all the things you did not get or things that went wrong. Appreciate the things you have … Read more