
There are just 3 ways of living life You can appreciate every small thing you have got and live in gratitude every passing second. If you live this way you do not need to check the other two😇 You just accept what you have got more or less and make the most of it, always! … Read more

Simply Spendid

If only every movie could touch you in ways and reach to your heart. Make you laugh and cry at the same time. Make you think about your relation with everyone around and most importantly with yourself and reinforce your trust in yourself and life again. About love, life and second chances. This movie has … Read more


You might have the noble humble intention of saving and helping the entire humanity but you can’t save another single being while you are drowning youself. So protecting yourself, thinking of youself and putting yourself first is not selfish. It is common sense!

The Mirror

The world appears to you just the way you are and feel inside out. I believe this to be true more than ever today. While I am glad I can now look at things and people, and accept them just as they are. I wish and pray to almighty, to sprinkle some wisdom on all … Read more

Dear Father

Probably you are the only one amongst every soul on earth, who never did or would think of breaking our heart or hurt us intentionally or unintentionally. Thank You for always being there, understanding, empathizing and loving us so dearly. We are so fortunate to have you. Gratefully Yours, Daughters