The Memorable Voyage…

IMG_20170825_151707Started off late from office, got stuck in traffic
A marathon ride till the station was a bit tragic
Caught the running train just like in the movies
Struggled our way from sleeper to AC boogies

Midnight Allepy, welcomed us with open arms
The cold breeze hugged us in its warmth
Prepaid auto’s took us to our hotel stay
The morning mist slowly uncovered dawn

While some of us tired, collapsed on the bed
The energetic freaks rushed to the beach
When the sun kisses the morning sky
It might have been a view that makes you high

A friend’s wedding awaiting our presence
For a change we are all dressed in traditional
Taking baby steps we moved towards the chai shop
Had some brewing tea and gulped some food

Moving towards the wedding venue
Feeling the greeneries we passed through
How beautiful have they kept the old lakes
The eye catching view took us by our breath

The wedding place was full of colors
Little kids dancing here and there
People looked amazing in their traditional best
Not to forget the beautiful stage at rest

Two wonderful people had decided to tie the knot 
And their parents had come together to bless them
The joy in their eyes cannot be described
I hope this is just the start of a wonderful forever

Next day we headed to the backwaters
The boat ride took us to the vast water bodies ahead
The stillness of the sea, was a piece of heaven
The boat comforted us just as our second home

The next destination was a visit to a friend’s home
The hosts made us feel just like our own
The food served reached the heart before our tummies
The little house garden at the back made us ponder nature

The window shopping at Fort Kochi helped us buy some sovereignty
Some plans that failed turned to be a beauty in disguise
We got a chance to see the beautiful sunset
Yet another day ended on a beautiful note

The awesomeness of the journey had come to the climax
Visit to the small church nearby made a difference
Sweets we picked from bakery filled up the spaces in our luggage
The memorable voyage had reached its final page

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