Let them go

While sorting and cropping my garden, I just realized that sometimes we have to let go of the old, weak or dead roots and branches, no matter how attached to them you are emotionally. Because keeping the old might come at the cost of harming the new and hampering their growth. Discarding the old will … Read more

It is Simple

Whatever you can do it today, do it today. If possible do it right away. Do not brush off it for some later time, after lucnh, in the evening or tomorrow. There is a reason the task showed up to you now and is showing up again and again. Rather than thinking of it or … Read more

Tree of life

We are all like a tree, born out of a seed of a cause and effect. Evolving into a sapling, growing into a huge tree with branches grounding us deeper with every passing day and year. New leaves blossoming every spring. New twigs and branches spreading wide into the different dimensions and perspectives. Every season … Read more

Changing the world

When changing the world, don’t you undermine the power of youself. You might just be a tiny star dust in this huge universe but a litle change by oneself, one at a time, day by day makes a huge difference. And we need to trust ourselves with the value we are adding to the world!…Just … Read more

My Current Playlist

Often music playlist is associated with rhymes and rhythm, but i think the playlist could consist of anything that calms and soothes the mind. The intruments and artists doesn’t matter but the content does. So for me any podcast which enriches the quality of the mind and adds to my knowledge and growth is my … Read more