
What is it in the ocean that all our problems seems so tiny in front of the wide horizon of the blue prism. The huge waves, gushing, washing over all the sadness and emotions, taking off all the disappointments, calming the mind, body and soul!

I am my favorite

Haters will hate you, lovers will love you, people will come, go and change. You will see a new version of the world and yourself everyday you wake up. You will evolve and outgrow yourself. Getting hurt, falling down and getting up is all part of the journey. But the only constant who stays with … Read more

Feel the Strength

You don’t feel strong when you are beautiful rich or intelligent. But the ultimate strength comes from the freedom to say ‘No’. When you don’t have to bow down to the obligations but can reject opportunities which are not worth it, with excellent ease and grace!


Who decides if what we see in the dream is fiction or the life we are living is a dream that we dreaming off in a long deep slumber. What part of our life is more real or rather which part is fiction. Probably its the one we perceive as true over another!


Some sufferings are like paybacks to the debts you have taken from the government, the sooner you pay them, the sooner you are free. There is no escaping or you end up paying a heavy duty interest on the debt!