
You are far more fortunate than you think, when you have food to eat, cloths to wear and shelter to live in with peace. Everything else is a bonus!


You might not be aware of, but what you turn your pain into, is completely your choice. You are quite powerful than you think. You can either convert your pain into a constant misery or you can take it just as momentary experience and leave it in that moment and walk away free. Carrying burdens … Read more

Take care of yourself

You are responsible for taking care of yourself and your bliss. Nobody else can, not because they don’t care but because sometimes everyone else is on a different journey of their own. They may try to, but not necessarily understand your aspirations as a person and hence can’t account for your happiness. Your happiness is … Read more


Sometimes a piece of glass or a thorn gets inside your skin. You realize it and sometimes you don’t, in either case if you leave it just like that, it becomes a part of your skin. The longer you leave it be, the difficult it becomes to separate it out of your skin. Pulling it … Read more


I sometimes think of all of us who are constantly running towards making our lives better. Assuming that the present is just good and future could be better and eventually aiming to reach the best. But how and why are we so certain about the unknown. What if today is the best that we have? … Read more

Trust the timing of your life

‘The Lake House’, a beautiful movie on Netflix, about time. Fantastic cast and wonderfully directed, blended in a beautiful story. Basically it’s about a possibility, that how if you could replay your own life and correct some mistake you did in the past. Of course in the movie, the outcome turns out perfect. No matter … Read more

Stupid mistakes

Sometimes I thank all the silly and stupid mistakes I made in the past and the rememberance of most of them. This helps me not kill myself and drown in shame for the mistakes I am doing in present😁 The more stupid ones gives me courage that I have survived them, so I shall survive … Read more