The Unknown Blessing!

When I thought the world belonged to me,

My world was taken away in a second…

When I thought the people I counted would stand by me,
They left me alone to fight my battle…

When I thought I would manage with the left over pieces,
Everything ever remained came crashing down…

When I wandered and asked God for reasons,
He choose to keep mum and didn’t respond…

When I concluded it to be the doom,
I suddenly saw a strike of light from the moon…

When I sat there confused at life’s twists and bays,
I was shown unseen new paths and ways…

When I feared of the unknown danger,
I was assured by God in the form of a stranger…

When I thought I could achieve nothing,
He provided me with opportunities to do everything…

When I thought God has abandoned me,
He made sure I was always safe and secure in his cradle…

When life seemed to be limited by facts,
I was reminded of the times of faith…

When I look back at life and connect the dots,
Every event seemed to bring in me the best…

So when I am caught in a situation so stressed,
I always try and remember that life is still blessed…

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