The Irony of Life!

Have you ever held a dream so close…That you started feeling it as a living reality Ever felt so much fear and afraid of something… That the only way out of it was to face it Ever struggled so much to reach somewhere… That the road to it no longer mattered Ever wanted to achieve … Read more

The Unknown Blessing!

When I thought the world belonged to me, My world was taken away in a second… When I thought the people I counted would stand by me, They left me alone to fight my battle… When I thought I would manage with the left over pieces, Everything ever remained came crashing down… When I wandered … Read more


They say mirages can be seen only in the deserts. They are partially wrong. Mirages are a part of our everyday life. We hear some bad news, assume it be true and start seeing mirages of all it’s ill effects. We hope for some good news and start building mirages of all the things we … Read more